Tuesday, February 3, 2015


This post isn't actually so much about writing as it is handwriting. If you know me and have ever received a note or looked st something I wrote, you probably know that mine is pretty bad. Some say illegible, but I think with a magnifying glass and enough time on your hands someone really dedicated can interpret my scribbles. Here is an example, taken from my journal notes last conference

General Conference - Uchtdorf - Sun Morning
Have an attitude of gratitude no matter what is happening. Nephi, his wrists bound through the jerkishness of his brothers, glorified God. We don't need to see a rainbow to thatnk God for the rain.
That sample in the flesh (or in the paper or however I ought to say that) is about three inches wide, and is neither the best nor worst sample in my journal. I can write better if I think about it, but it is so painfully slow to do so that usually I get impatient and end up writing in my usual chicken scratch because it is faster.

I want to fix my writing. I have decided to relearn cursive.

I haven't used cursive in any serious capacity since elementary school. If I remember correctly, I learned it in third grad and technically we were supposed to use it all through fifth, but I don't think that actually happened. I just came up with my own personal mashup of letters that looked faintly connected, and wrote that way until I hit middle school. I don't think this is common knowledge, but I was homeschooled for sixth grade. I'm not sure I actually learned anything that year, but then again I can tell you what I actually learned any year of school...

I stopped writing in cursive. Then seventh grade on, my teachers usually let us write whichever way we wanted and printing was faster for me.

Now, I realize that cursive is not necessarily faster than print. I am a massive nerd and looked up articles about this, and most of the best, fastest writers write in a hybrid of the two disciplines. At this point in my life though, I think it will be easier to relearn how to write in general than to just clear up my writing. (and I am NOT about to learn how to print again. Unless I decide to learn to be ambidextrous after all, as I have long desired. Think I can learn just cursive with both hands?)

This is probably a pretty boring post. I'm sure my dearest mother agrees with my new decision though.

Monday, February 2, 2015

this is a title of an intro post

Assuming I live to be 80 years old (average life expectancy for females in the US is 81 and I don't feel like finding out more refined statistics that would apply more directly to me) my life is now one quarter over and I still don't actually know what I'm doing with it. I feel like I have mostly gotten the hang of breathing, and I have always been good at the keep-your-heart-beating thing, but aside from that? What am I doing? What do I like? How can I contribute to the lives of those around me or the nation or the world? Will I?

Mostly the only thing I know about me is that I spend much more time asking myself these questions than I spend looking for the answers.

Anyway. Yup. So this is me, starting a blog. I have gotten a little better at writing in my journal of late, and while that is an excellent repository for the bits of me that really oughtn't be seen elsewhere I want somewhere a little less personal and a little more well written to deposit some anecdotes or musings. Working on my writing skills is also something that would be good and stuff.

I likely will not actually link this to anyone until I have, y'know, more than one boring intro post. Or until the title is actually accurate (I don't turn a score until the 17th. 15 days to go.)